首页 > 游戏开发 > 关于贴图动画的一些经验


2010年12月15日 发表评论 阅读评论

uthor: Joachim Ante – Extended by TomLong74

1 Description
2 Usage
3 Example
4 JavaScript – AnimatedTextureExtendedUV.js
[edit] Description

This script extends the capabilities of the original AnimatedTexureUV.js. This allows many animation skins or animation states to be stored in the same texture. They can be updated at run time to play the new skin or new animation state via SetSpriteAnimation();
[edit] Usage

Attach this script to the object that has a material with the animation cell-sheet texture. From your other script call this script’s SetSpriteAnimation() function with the new parameters:
colCount: the total number of columns in the animation cell-sheet;
rowCount: the total number of rows in the animation cell-sheet;
rowNumber: the row where this animation will start;
colNumber: the column where this animation will start;
totalCells: the number of cells in this animation;
fps: the number of cells (frames) per second the animation will play;
[edit] Example

Example function call: SetSpriteAnimation(4,4,1,0,4,12); Should animate the 4 green cells starting with the left most cell and at a speed of 12 cells per second.
[edit] JavaScript – AnimatedTextureExtendedUV.js

//vars for the whole sheet
var colCount : int = 4;
var rowCount : int = 4;

//vars for animation
var rowNumber : int = 0; //Zero Indexed
var colNumber : int = 0; //Zero Indexed
var totalCells : int = 4;
var fps : int = 10;
var offset : Vector2; //Maybe this should be a private var

function Update () { SetSpriteAnimation(colCount,rowCount,rowNumber,colNumber,totalCells,fps); }

function SetSpriteAnimation(colCount : int,rowCount : int,rowNumber : int,colNumber : int,totalCells : int,fps : int){

// Calculate index
var index : int = Time.time * fps;
// Repeat when exhausting all cells
index = index % totalCells;

// Size of every cell
var size = Vector2 (1.0 / colCount, 1.0 / rowCount);

// split into horizontal and vertical index
var uIndex = index % colCount;
var vIndex = index / colCount;

// build offset
// v coordinate is the bottom of the image in opengl so we need to invert.
offset = Vector2 ((uIndex+colNumber) * size.x, (1.0 – size.y) – (vIndex+rowNumber) * size.y);

renderer.material.SetTextureOffset (“_MainTex”, offset);
renderer.material.SetTextureScale (“_MainTex”, size);

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